Sunday, October 20, 2024

Aslan's Table and the Binding of Isaac

The binding of Isaac is one of the bible's most gripping and controversial stories. This is not the place for retelling or interpretation rather I would like to look at its aftermath. At the end of the story the verse (Genesis 22:19) tells us, "And Abraham returned to his servants, and they departed together for Beer-sheba..." causing the classical commentaries to ask, where is Isaac? A number of answers are provided by the midrash and classic commentaries but I would like to concentrate of three of them. 

Midrash Rabbah (Genesis 56:11) posits that he went to study Torah in the famed school Noah's son Shem and the latter's great-grandson Eber. The midrash explains that Abraham himself has studied under these revered teachers and now it was time for Isaac to follow in his path. 

Chizkuni quotes the Midrash HaGadol asserting that Isaac was hidden for three years in the Garden of Eden. 

There is another possibility, that Isaac did not go anywhere, he simply stayed on Mount Moriah. 

I believe these three approaches parallel the three lords who reach Aslan's Table. The first Lord peers at his fellows and says, we've achieved much. We have taken navigation to a new level, going further than anyone else ever has. We have improved our spiritual stature by spending time at Aslan's Table with Aslan's trusted guardians. Now it is time to go back to Narnia - to the 'real world' and continue the path of our Master and King Caspian IX. 

The second Lord claims the opposite. Forget Narnia and the physical world. We can go further and attempt to achieve spiritual perfection - let us continue to sail east towards the country (or garden) of Aslan and fulfill our spiritual desires.

The third Lord looks around the Table and says, "You know, we've been through a lot on this quest of ours. We've just achieved quite an accomplishment by reaching this island and I don't think I'm ready to come down from that spiritual high or go elsewhere. I can't think beyond." 

The Star's daughter does not tell us which would have been the preferred path of the lords.

But we do know that Isaac soon comes marries Rebecca - what happens in between is a discussion for another time. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Day of Sounding the Horn

The Jewish New Year starts Wednesday evening. It is the day on which the shofar, the ram's horn, is sounded. Our Sages have forwarded numerous functions and symbolisms with respect to the shofar: it is used to coronate God as king as he comes down in judgment, it serves as a prayer without words, it is an awakening to repentance, and so on. 

I think we can also perceive the shofar in the way we viewed the horns of Narnia. It is a call to come home. It has been a difficult year for the Jewish People. We pray for victory and peace so that our sons and daughters on the front lines can come home. And we pray that Jews all over the world will come home. Maybe that means moving to or visiting Israel. Maybe it means taking the time to attend services or Torah classes more frequently. May it just means incorporating more of Judaism into people's lives. Whatever steps someone can take - it's time to come home.  

May we all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life, wishing everyone a safe, prosperous, and sweet New Year. 

The Light of Darkness (Part 2)

In our previous post on darkness we discussed that, just as there are two types of silence, there are two types of darkness: complete darkne...