Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Narnian Ba'alei Teshuva

My apologies for not posting recently as it's been a busy summer. 

Some quick topics for discussion as we approach the Days of Awe with their emphasis on teshuva (returning to worship of God and the fulfillment of his commandments). The Chronicles of Narnia feature many ba'alei teshuva (those experience this spiritual renewal): main characters such as Edmund, Trumpkin, Eustace, Shasta, and Aravis, and more minor characters like Puzzle and the lapsed bear of Stormness. Each comes with a different story and each can teach us something about renewing our relationship with God. 

How to their stories differ, how are they the same?

What can we learn from each story? 

What role (if any) does Aslan play in each return? 

Think about it, we'll discuss soon.  

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God as a Friend

Son of Earth, shall we be friends? (Aslan to Trumpkin, Prince Caspian) Hopefully everyone has the opportunity to do something for C.S. Lewis...