Monday, June 13, 2022

The Purpose of Man (in Narnia)

My kids pointed out to me that I went the entire holiday of Shavuos (Pentacost) without speaking about Narnia. Apparently, I’ve been concentrating on other areas. But let me write a quick addendum to our latest post on the Tree of Life.

In our last post we questioned the presence of the Tree of Life in the Narnian world. While the tree is surrounded by a gate, it is hardly unsurpassable as the cherubim and fiery sword guarding the tree in our world. Why?

Truthfully, there is a more fundamental question about Narnia. Why is there no Original Sin in the first place?

We’ve already discussed the contrast between Perelandra and Earth. On Earth Adam and Eve sinned while on Perelandra, thanks to Ransom, their parallels did not. But in Narnia there is not even any attempt at an original sin. There is no Tree of Knowledge, and evil does not enter the Narnian world from within, but from without.

Perhaps partly in answer to this question we can ask another. Why is Narnia meant to be ruled by a Son of Adam? What would be wrong with the animals ruling themselves? In fact, even the Christ figure is an animal so to what purpose does man serve?

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