Monday, October 23, 2023

C.S. Lewis Reading Day


Pints with Jack in conjunction with numerous other Lewis enthusiasts have organized the first annual C.S. Lewis Reading Day to be celebrated on his birthday November 29th. See here, for an introductory trailer. 

I suppose Jewish tradition would have instead chosen Lewis' yahrtzeit (the day of his death), the 6th day of Kislev which this year is on the 19th of November. Nonetheless, we will happily join our fellow Lewis fans and commemorate on November 29th. 

So, I look forward to doing something (to be determined) on that day and in this way fulfill the words of the Jerusalem Talmud "Levi, the son of the Nazirite said: If someone mentions a saying in the name of its author, the latter’s lips whisper in the grave." We can keep our teachers and mentors amongst the living, as it were, by repeating their teachings and learning from their words. 

Pints with Jack is recommending sharing favorite Lewis quotes, but feel free to share any ideas you might have.  

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God as a Friend

Son of Earth, shall we be friends? (Aslan to Trumpkin, Prince Caspian) Hopefully everyone has the opportunity to do something for C.S. Lewis...