Monday, April 15, 2024

Had the Pevensie Children Lived

One of the apparent challenges in Lewis literary oeuvre is the quick passing of the best characters. Wormwood's patient is killed by the London blitzkrieg soon after converting, Ransom remains on Earth for a while after visiting Malacandra and Peralandra, but not very long, and, of course, the Pevensies never reach their mid-twenties. While understandable, books must be limited in length, and series cannot have an overwhelming number of entries, it does relieve Lewis from addressing head on certain issues. These issues are succinctly formulated by Screwtape: 

The long, dull monotonous years of middle-aged prosperity or middle-aged adversity are excellent campaigning weather. You see, it is so hard for these creatures to persevere. The routine of adversity, the gradual decay of youthful loves and youthful hopes, the quiet despair (hardly felt as pain) of ever overcoming the chronic temptations with which we have again and again defeated them, the drabness which we create in their lives and the inarticulate resentment with which we teach them to respond to it — all this provides admirable opportunities of wearing out a soul by attrition. (Letter 28)

We have discussed the spiritual failings of Susan, but can we be so sure that the others would have remained spiritually secure. And, if they did, how did they? 

Of course, we know that Lucy is told by Alsan that the reason he brought the Pevensies to Narnia was so that they could recognize Aslan in their own world, though he goes by a different name. This would suggest that they are charged with finding Jesus and becoming good Christians. However, this just raises other questions. Why did Aslan choose the Pevensie children and no one else? Why do we see so little direct Christian expression in Narnia? Why does Aslan not come out and say his name?

Let's discuss... 

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